How Long Before I See Results?

This journey we travel is just that, a journey. Merriam Webster defines journey as: “something suggesting travel or passage from one place to another.” The Spiritual journey is never in the arrival of the destination but in the step, block, mile, and distance towards the destiny.

Partaking in this new Spiritual Diet will yield results IMMEDIATELY (Seriously!) Results are seen immediately because the courage and determination required to eat a Spiritual Meal is The Work and The Result. Deciding to go after the things of the Spirit is not the pre-workout but the workout. In the Spirit the battlefield is in the mind. Unlike physical exercise, which must transcend from your mind to your physical body; the Spiritual workout is in one place and does not need to be transferred to another part of your being to become actionary.

We often miss the mark or become burned out because our focus is more on the changes in our physical being and not our Spirit. We tend to focus more on what can been seen by the natural eye and believe that if we can not see it, it must mean there is no progress. This is far from the Truth and often lead us to frustration, discouragement, and sadness.

When we make the decision to eat for the benefit of our Spirit, it is a decision between ourselves and our essence. You know you are doing the right thing because of the calmness and sense of Serenity you will begin to feel within. Even when everything around you is the same, you will begin to see things from a different angle that you were not aware of before. Things will begin to sound and feel different and you may even wonder if those around you notice the changes; this is the first sign of change within.

Whatever you do, don’t stop eating for your Spirit and do not feel as if you have to eat fast or in a hurry; take time to pace yourself and eat. As you fill up on the Spiritual Meal, your journey will eventually lead you to a much bigger appetite, different tastebuds, and a careful diet .

Enjoy the Meals on the Journey!


How Do I Start Feeding My Spirit?